Devil's Square

What is Devil's Square

Devil's Square is a quest to test the strength and stamina of a MU Online player.  The winners will be rewarded with experience and a huge amount of Zen.

How to get to Devil's Square

A pass to Devil's Square is the Devil's Square Invitation (invitation to Devil's Square).  It is created in the Chaos Machine.  To create it, you need a Devil's Key and a Devil's Eye (they must all be of the same level) and one Jewel of Chaos (not needed to create a Devil's Square Invitation +1).  All of these can be combined with varying chances of luck and require a certain amount of Zen.
Devil's Key +[1-7] Devil's Eye +[1-7] 1x Jewel of Chaos Devil's Square Invintation +[1-7]
At a certain time in the MUonline game, messages begin to appear: "15 (10.5) minute (s) left before Devil's Square opens!".  And after the specified time, the message "The gates of Devil's Square are open!" Will appear.  As soon as you see such a message, do not hesitate to go from Devil's Square Invitation to Charon (he is in Lorencia).  Talk to him, on the screen you will see a table in which you need to select the level of Devil's Square suitable for your character (the same level should be the Devil's Square Invitation in your inventory).  If you did everything right, then you will be taken to Devil's Square.

 Magic Gladiator
Dark Lord