(Jewel, Mix)

map min level max level rate drop
12 49 100 Box of Red Ribbon
50 69 100 Box of Green Ribbon
70 97 100 Box of Blue Ribbon
12 49 100 Pink Chocolate Box
12 49 100 Lilac Candy Box
50 69 100 Red Chocolate Box
50 69 100 Orange Candy Box
70 97 100 Blue Chocolate Box
70 97 100 Navy Candy Box
12 49 100 Green Chaos Box
50 69 100 Red Chaos Box
70 97 100 Purple Chaos Box
2 69 150 Star of Christmas
12 69 150 Heart of Love
12 49 150 Silver Medal
50 69 150 Gold Medal
30 150 100 Box of Heaven
50 69 150 Blue Heart
1 32 100 Scroll of Archangel 1
33 45 100 Scroll of Archangel 2
46 57 100 Scroll of Archangel 3
58 68 100 Scroll of Archangel 4
69 76 90 Scroll of Archangel 5
77 84 80 Scroll of Archangel 6
85 101 70 Scroll of Archangel 7
102 150 60 Scroll of Archangel 8
1 32 100 Blood Bone 1
33 45 100 Blood Bone 2
46 57 100 Blood Bone 3
58 68 100 Blood Bone 4
69 76 90 Blood Bone 5
77 84 80 Blood Bone 6
85 101 70 Blood Bone 7
102 150 60 Blood Bone 8
1 32 100 Devil Eye 1
33 45 100 Devil Eye 2
46 57 100 Devil Eye 3
58 68 90 Devil Eye 4
69 76 80 Devil Eye 5
77 84 70 Devil Eye 6
85 150 60 Devil Eye 7
1 32 100 Devil Key 1
33 45 100 Devil Key 2
46 57 100 Devil Key 3
58 68 90 Devil Key 4
69 76 80 Devil Key 5
77 84 70 Devil Key 6
85 150 60 Devil Key 7
46 57 100 Old Scroll 1
58 68 100 Old Scroll 2
69 76 90 Old Scroll 3
77 84 80 Old Scroll 4
85 101 70 Old Scroll 5
102 150 60 Old Scroll 6
46 57 100 Illusion Sorcerer Covenant 1
58 68 100 Illusion Sorcerer Covenant 2
69 76 90 Illusion Sorcerer Covenant 3
77 84 80 Illusion Sorcerer Covenant 4
85 101 70 Illusion Sorcerer Covenant 5
102 150 60 Illusion Sorcerer Covenant 6
25 46 100 Symbol of Kundun 1
47 65 100 Symbol of Kundun 2
66 77 100 Symbol of Kundun 3
78 83 90 Symbol of Kundun 4
84 91 80 Symbol of Kundun 5
92 113 70 Symbol of Kundun 6
114 150 60 Symbol of Kundun 7
30 150 100 Pumpkin of Luck
30 150 100 Cherry Blossom Play-Box
12 150 25 Lucky Coin
25 150 100 Sign of the Lord

12 150 50 Jewel of Chaos
25 150 45 Jewel of Bless
25 150 40 Jewel of Soul
46 150 35 Jewel of Life
46 150 30 Jewel of Creation
Land of Trials 1 150 25 Jewel of Guardian
Kalima 7 1 150 25 Jewel of Guardian
Relics 69 150 50 Gemstone
Icarus 25 150 50 Loch Feather
Icarus 25 150 50 Monarch Crest
Icarus 75 150 50 Spirit of Dark Horse
Icarus 75 150 50 Spirit of Dark Spirit
Lost Tower 12 150 25 Death King Bone
Aida 12 150 25 Hell Maine Leather
Icarus 12 150 25 Dark Phoenix Flame
Tarkan 12 150 25 Death Beam Knight Soul
Relics 25 150 100 Moonstone Ring
LaCleon 102 150 90 Sphere (Mono)
LaCleon 102 150 80 Sphere (Di)
LaCleon 102 150 70 Sphere (Tri)
Crywolf 97 134 180 Splinter of Armor
Crywolf 97 134 180 Bless of Guardian
Crywolf 97 134 180 Claw of Beast
Balgas Barrack 25 150 25 Condor Flame